Food booths will be located throughout the event with many different options to choose from and each restaurant stand will feature delicious whiskey inspired dishes. We will have free water refills with your own bottle or purchase of a WhiskeyTown commemorative water bottle.

There will be numerous ATMs located around the venue, which will be marked on the festival map also found on this website.

The Information and lost & found location will be next to the token resale booth which can be found on the festival map (link to map)

The Merchandise Booth can be found on the event map and will have a variety of commemorative t-shirts, sweatshirts, glasses and more.

All tickets include 3 Whiskey Toonies per day which can be used for tastings, cocktails, beer, cigars and food. Additional Toonies can be purchased in the festival for $2 each.

Where is the festival?

Our traveling town will be taking over a large indoor outdoor area on 100 SE Alder in Portland OR.

What time does the festival start & end?

WhiskeyTown is open Friday 4pm – 10pm on Friday, May 13th, 12pm-10pm Saturday, May 14th, and 12pm-5pm Sunday, May 15th.

Will I be able to enter the festival at anytime?

As long as you have a ticket in hand that has not been scanned you will be able to enter the event from the moment it opens until the time the event ends, however, there is no re-entry for single day ticket holders only re-entry for 3-day ticket holders.

Who are the beneficiaries?

Each year a different beneficiary is selected and in 2016 we are excited to announce our partnership with Children’s Cancer Association! More information about this amazing organization can be found at http://www.joyrx.org

Will you be posting whiskey lineup and band set times in advance?

Yes, whiskey lists and set times will be posted on this web site and on social media sites prior to the festival and will also be in the festival guide that is passed out upon entry. We will send an email to everyone who signed up for updates once the lineup is posted, so be sure to sign up. (LINE UP SUBJECT TO CHANGE).

Will there be a festival map available ahead of time so I can see distiller, stage, food, beer, cigar and bathroom locations, etc?

Yes, an online version, as well as a printable version, will be released on this site before the festival. The WhiskeyTown mobile app will include an interactive map. The festival guide that will be passed out upon entry will also contain the map.

Where is the closest airport?

The Portland International Airport (PDX) is 12 miles from the festival and the public transportation can take you directly from PDX to WhiskeyTown.

Can I enter, leave and re-enter the festival?

Only three day passes have re-entry privileges! Single day ticket holders, if you leave the festival, you may not re-enter, a new ticket must be purchased. Wristbands are non-transferable, non-exchangeable and cannot be replaced. Security will check ID upon entry.

Are you hiring people to work or volunteer at the event?

Yes, volunteer spots are available and registration can be completed here.

Will there be ATM machines?

Yes, there will be ATMs both inside and outside the venue grounds. ATM locations will be clearly marked on the festival guide and the map found on this website.

Will there be parking?

This year, limited parking is available onsite for a minimal fee at the festival! Street parking is also available.

Is the event ADA accessible?

Yes, the festival is ADA accessible and the site is on level pavement this year! The event is located close to accessible public transportation (one block from bus stop) and an accessible route is available from the public transportation stop to the event. There is accessible drop available at the entrance of the festival and there are ADA restrooms available in multiple locations.

How much does it cost to get into the festival?

Pre-sale single day tickets will be $30 or door tickets will be $35 and each day includes 4 tasting tokens. Three day weekend passes can be purchased for $50 and include 8 tasting tokens. Tickets get access to all whiskey samples, live music, restaurants, entertainment, vendor booths, prohibition lounge and cigar lounge. Additional tokens may be purchased at event for $2 each. Tokens can be used for drinks, food and cigars.

How much are whiskey tastings?

Whiskey tastings will cost one “toonie” per sample. Entry Admission fee will include three toonies. Additional toonies can be purchased at the door and at the banks inside the festival which are marked on the festival guide and map found on this website.

Will any of the whiskies run out?

Yes. There is a possibility that a variety of whiskies will run out toward the end of the evening. Some whiskies appeal to the sampling appetites of many, and therefore sell faster and some are offered in a very limited selection – so there is a good chance that the popular or rare libations will run out. Fortunately, we will have over 200 different labels to try in case one of your favorites run dry.

When do you stop serving alcohol?

All alcohol serving will cease promptly at 9:45pm on Friday and Saturday and at 5:00pm on Sunday. Security will do a sweep at 10:15pm on Friday and Saturday and at 5:15pm on Sunday to ask all patrons to leave the premises. All things must come to an end, but we look forward to seeing you next year! Toonies can be used next year too!

Where do I get a commemorative tasting glass?

Commemorative Glencairn tasting glasses are available at the token banks and at the merchandise booth for $10.

When do tasting glass and token sales cease?

Token sales stop 15 minutes before closing of the festival. Liquor tastings and sales end promptly at 9:45PM on Friday and Saturday and at 5:00PM on Sunday.

Does the festival accept credit cards or checks?

Token banks and bars will accept credit cards but no checks.

Is there food onsite?

There are 10 on-site restaurant booths offering a variety of great food. These establishments accept tokens only – they do not accept cash, checks, or credit cards.

Is there anything to do besides tasting whiskey at the event?

Yes! WhiskeyTown is more than just a whiskey tasting event – it is truly an experience for everyone. Our Prohibition Lounge will not only offer a variety of live music throughout the day but will feature cigars, comedic acts, and much, much more. Ten onsite restaurant vendors will offer a variety of food options, vendor booths will feature eclectic art and merchandise, and our Whiskey Academy will feature a plethora of educational opportunities.

Are there non-alcoholic drinks on the premises?

Yes. We will be selling bottled water and non-alcoholic beverages.

Is smoking allowed in the festival?

Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. There is absolutely no smoking in the main tents with the exception of the Cigar Lounge. Please be courteous to your fellow attendees.

Can I bring water bottles into the event?

Sealed water bottles or empty water bottles will be permitted and we will have free water if you bring your own bottle or purchase a WhiskeyTown commemorative bottle. There will also be bottled water sold inside the venue. Please remember to keep hydrated!

Can I bring outside food and beverage into the venue?

No, you may not bring in your own food but you definitely can bring sealed or empty water bottle into the venue.

Can I bring my camera?

Yes, you may bring your small non-professional still camera (no removable lenses).

Can I bring my dog to the festival?

Dogs are allowed on the festival site! Please just clean up after your pet!

What are acceptable forms of ID to gain access into the festival and to purchase alcohol?

Valid ID includes an Oregon Identification card, any state driver’s license or ID card with photo, a passport, or a United States military identification card with photo. We are unable to accept any foreign driver’s license (with the exception of Canada). Note that the identification cannot be expired at the time of the festival.

Can I attend the event if I am under age 21 and I come with a legal guardian?

This event is strictly 21 and older. Security will not allow anyone under the age of 21 into the venue.

Can I bring my child with me to the festival?

This event is strictly 21 and older so no children will be allowed. Security will not allow anyone under the age of 21 into the venue.

Can I bring someone under the age of 21 as my designated driver?

This event is strictly 21 and older so designated drivers must also be 21 or over to enter the venue. Security will not allow anyone under the age of 21 into the festival.

What do I do if my ID expired and I do not think I will receive a new one in time?

Please bring your expired ID AND your temporary DMV documentation that proves your ID is being renewed.

My ticket was purchased by someone else who will not be attending the event. How can I get my ticket from will call?

To pick up your ticket from will call please bring the receipt, a photo copy of the front of the credit card used to purchase the ticket and a photo copy of the ID that belongs to the credit card holder. You may black out the first 8 digits on the credit card if you would like.

I lost the credit card I purchased my ticket(s) with, how can I pick them up at will call?

Please bring the receipt, a photo ID and your bank statement with the ticket purchase on it or the last 4 digits of the card you used.

Will tickets sell out?

There is always a chance that the event will sell out in which case no more tickets will be sold. We recommend purchasing early so that you can rest assured you will be able to attend.

Will tickets be sold at the event?

If the festival does not sell out in advance, tickets will be available at the box office onsite for $35 on the event day. We encourage everyone to purchase tickets in advance so that you don’t risk missing out on the fun. We are not responsible for fraudulent tickets.

Are ticket prices going to increase from where they are now?

Yes, they will go up in price level as allotted ticket amounts are sold and ticket price will be more at the door.